We are part of the Math&Languages Erasmus+ project (2017-2020) that involves the pairing of 10 European high-schools. In our specific project, a Belgian school (Collège Sainte-Véronique, Liège) and a Romanian school (Colegiul National, Iasi) are paired in mathematics research workshops.In these workshops, volunteer pupils work in groups on mathematics subjects, and communicate with their twinned foreign group with the aim of finding solutions. These workshops integrate the MATh.en.JEANS (MeJ) approach and foreign language learning.
Carrying this project allows us to reproduce the interactions researchers have during their careers about research topics they share with their peers in the world. Therefore, this strategy is proposing pupils a real immersion in doing math as researchers do it.This community will encourage an exchange of ideas and good practices between all the pupils, teachers, researchers and MeJ Association during the 3 years of the project.