Task 1 from Spain - eClock

  • - Objectives: Scratch account editing profile. Introducing to the Scratch social network, exploring other projects, modifying and sharing again.  Exploring examples on Scratch official web.  Joining to a study.  Learn to share your project.
    DATES (1 week):

    Register in Scratch oficial web.

    Get the account and complete the information in your profile.  Add a photo and follow some interesting users, such as teachers or classmates.

    Manage "my things" in Scratch explorer.

    Create a simple project and share it.  Create a study and try a classmate enter in yours.  Later search the study that let you start the next step, and join in it.  The study let you take some ideas and it is "eTwinning clock contest" 

    A clock program.

    Create a clock in Scratch which allows the following actions:

    1. The instructions will be displayed at the beginning of the program.
    2. We could choose the time for the countries parfticipating, or even more countries in Europe.
    3. The clock must be on time.
    4. You must have an alarm that sounds 10 seconds or until the space key is pressed.
    5. The alarm can be programmed by entering the time by keyboard.
    6. You should not display variables on the screen.
    7. The background must be personalized by quoting the school and your group.
    8. It should contain objects from your Gimp cropped image and exported to .PNG format, such as clock hands or alarm button or any other item you consider appropriate.
    9. The clock must have a especial background about this etwinning project, when a special key is pressed.
    10. After completing the program the authorship will be displayed (Student, center, group, date).


    Share your project.

    Share your project permiting the public access.  Copy your embebed code or link to you scratch program, and paste  it in the twinspace forum.  After voting for the best clock by likes in the study, try to upload the code to your school web or simply show it in this page by your teacher.  

    This course the 2 most voted, in Scratch plaftorm in the study, have been the following:




    The results:


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    Task 1 from Spain - eClock