4. Creating the questions.

  • Let's make the questions for our game. Every team have a spreadsheet (you can see it in 2.2. Teams).

    In the spreadsheet you can see 3 sheets:

    * In the first, you will fill the questions and the answers.

    * In the second, you can read the instructions for fill the sheet correctly.

    * In the third, you can see an Example.

    You can get information from:

    * Unesco World Heritage Centre:  http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/

    * Unesco - Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage: https://ich.unesco.org/en/lists

    You can use images for the question. Remember this strict rules:

    * Images with copyright are forbidden.

    * You only can use images with Free or Creative Commons License. You have to refer to the source (open the image with Paint or other image editor, and wirte the source).

    * The images must be uploaded to TwinSpace, in Materials > Images, into the folder of your team.

    Good lock!!