Erasmus+ 2017-2019: “Tracing our European spirit”
First Transnational Project Meeting Agenda
15-17 October 2017
Sunday 15/10 - the1st transnational meeting:
- the Partnership Agreement;
- the logo contest
- the presentation of the final products, the workshops and the presentations to be made;
- allocation of the responsibilities;
Monday: 16/10 – the 2nd transnational meeting:
- the activities plan;
- the documents to be prepared for the Transnational Project Meetings;
- Europass certificates;
- the training sessions;
- the trips timing:
Tuesday:17/10 – the 3rd transnational meeting:
- Homework for the LTT in Austria;
- the hospitality rules;
- the dissemination plan according to the application form;
- the evaluation;
- the impact of the project;
- conclusions, certificates of attendance.