The project


    Students from various European countries are going to communicate with each other and learn about each other's culture. The projects has a twofold aim: Firstly, to help students improve their writing and speaking skills in English through exchange of e-mails, videoconference and by doing small projects. Secondly, to help them discover other cultures and discuss similarities and differences. Diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion are our inspiration. ICT will be their companion on this journey of discovering how we can be so different, yet, essentially the same!


    The project aims at helping students achieve the following goals:
    - to present specific cultural elements to their partners in order to find and discuss similarities and differences
    - to learn about each other's customs and traditions
    - to present knowledge gained in a creative and fun way
    - to learn to collaborate with peers in mixed teams for a common goal
    - to practice English in authentic situations, with a real purpose
    - to develop digital competency


    Our twinspace will be the place where both teachers and students exchange ideas about the project. All partners will be part of each activity in an equal way.
    Let’s pin our school/country on the map
    Students introduce themselves
    Let’s make a logo for our common project – students draw and then vote for the best logo
    A stroll around my neighbourhood. Students make a video of their school and the area they live in
    Students exchange Christmas and New Year wishes in their mother tongue and challenge their partners to learn them
    Folk tales or legends – one country tells the story and the students of another illustrate it and we turn all the stories into an e-book
    Recipes: make a video or e-book with traditional recipes from all the countries involved
    Traditional games: partners get to know each other’s games
    What have we learnt about each other? Final evaluation questionnaire


    Students will present their work on the twinspace. In addition, they are expected:
    - to promote their cultural heritage and learn about other cultures
    - become aware of cultural similarities and differences
    - develop social and artistic skills
    - develop linguistic and communicative competence in the foreign language (English)
    - to learn to work collaboratively
    - make meaningful use of WEB 2.0 tools and improve their ICT skills