Do not forget the PROJECT DIARY!
1. Choose 5 characters from children’s books from your country.
Great poll tool with option to upload photos is EASYPOLLS
2. Create a Fact File for each character. Include
- NAME and PICTURE :-)
- book and author (if known), year - picture of the book cover would be nice
- illustrator
- personality
- special powers and abilitities
- job
- family and friends
- likes, dislikes
- catchphrase
Use a mindmap app as POPPLET or KIDSPIRATION or something else you can find.
Upload the information sheets to PADLET (add files)
3. Character lottery: characters from all countries will be divided into 5 groups, one from each country. Each partners will get a set to start a story. We'll use Random Name Picker
4. Writing stories with characters from 5 different countries. Each partner writes something in their mother tongue, translates it into English, then passes the unfinished work to the next country to continue. Upload to PADLET for others to comment and give feedback (Each story woll have its own padlet wall).
A fantastic tool for collaborative writing is BOOMWRITER
5. Making illustrations; each partner gets one story.
Why not to do digital art with PAPER
6. Compiling our collaborative digital storybook
7. Reading books
8. Evaluation
For more FUN try AKINATOR app or WEB GAME
How many of our heroes did the genie guess?