1. The Project

  • 1. The Project                 

    Communication Through Art and Music Integrated With ICT

    This is a KA219 has been developed in partnership with 4 schools Poland ,Macedonia, Italyand Turkey. Each of them brings to the project a unique experience enriching its scope and dimension. 
     With this project social-content subjects and science-content subjects can be taught through interdisciplinary approach in a ICT-based teaching  atmosphere which enables pupils have international edu+tainment(education+entertainment)experiences.By integrating ICT tools learning and teaching techniques used at international and European dimension to our education systems,our staff will improve their,pupils' and schools’ overall capacity.

                  CTAMIWI Project is derived from the need for;
    *effective usage of ICT and web 2.0 tools based on learning /teaching activities and methods by pupils and teachers
    *creating enjoyable learning atmospeheres based on innovative and creative educational tools and methods.
    * expanding the national educational methodology to a transnational scope, making inclusion and integration a social and cultural enrichment
    * Improving the language competence of the students involved in the project.


     In order for this project to proceed,all four schools have discussed and negotiated the overall objectives that we wish to attain from this as follows:By improving basic cross-curricular skills ,broadening the potential of ICT and effective communicative use of English,we want to promote a student/task/problem-based learning and highlight that expanding the national educational methodology to a transnational scope is the key to fight the gap between social, cultural, educational differences of global world citizens.

    "The goal of the project is therefore facilitate increasing the quantity of digital natives among all partners' teachers,pupils,parents and other stakeholders(teachers/pupils of other schools,Directorates of National Education ,society) who are the target groups.

    Work Process

    The project will reach its main goal by transnational project meetings. Both teachers and students will have a chance to work together  (participate in different activities, learn, share, reflect, rehearse) and brainstorm on next steps.
    Exchanges with other participating schools will allow the possibility for comparison with the situation of others.This process will simultaneously encourage reflection and understanding and act as an introduction of one school to another.
    Language competence increase significantly during the implementation of additional activities in the framework of the project tasks and the 4 international meetings.
      Partner schools will need to meet in order to organize,monitor and implement the project. More precisely,the transnational meetings  foreseen will take place as follows:
       December 2017: Turkey- Kick off Meeting; Formation of the group of teachers following the project-LOGO of project - the first international contest will be focused on development of a logo for the project
       March 2018: Italy – every partner will prepare introductory spots about their country, region, school and participants (One presentation per country ) -Teacher Trainning Course
       October 2018: Poland -Interdisciplinary Lesson
       May 2019: Exhibition and Concert in Macedonia

    The coordinator of this project will be Malatya Science and Art Center and the contact person of this school will be in touch with contact persons from other schools to make sure that all members follow the timeline.


    The Methodologies to Apply Throughout the Project

    * Student-Centered Approach to Learning ; Students will play an active and participatory role in their own learning process.Students will work individually,in pair and groups to make dicitonary, brochures, murals, presentations,compose songs,make paintings,join in 'guest' lessons etc. *CLIL&Interdisciplinary/Cross-Curricular Teaching:
     An interdisciplinary sample lesson;Students from the country receiving will previously prepare some activities for students and teachers visiting beforehand.These activities must promote learning (language learning, History learning, Geography..). All participant pupils and teachers will have a nature/outdoor education in Ogrodzieniec-a lot of small hills,rocks,caves,old castles. (Poland) arranged by Katarzyna Baca. Polish Geography teacher will tell about that place's geographical stucture,History teacher will give information about history about Ogrodzieniec,Biology teacher will inform the participants above botany; including agriculture and plants,ecology;interaction of organisms with their environment,zoology; animals living in that nature.Art teacher will ask students to draw paintings of that nature.Music teacher will ask for composing songs taking inspiration from this environment.English teacher will teach the vocabulary of nature.

    *ITC-Based & Distance & Open Learning:
      A project website displaying presentations,videos,analysis of data,photos,brochures,booklets,art exhibition,multilingual songs concert will be formed.The interdisciplinary sample lesson will be casted on video conferencing to all target groups.
     A mutual e-learning platform will be created. Each school will add different activities to this platform.
       A twinspace page will be created to implement the project and let the target groups benefit form project outcomes and get involved

    Expected Results 

     CTAMIWI project involve participants from cross border European countries and the results of the common work will have a significant  impact not only on local level but also regional, national and international.

    The school staff will benefit from the project. Objectives and results like a better art and music literacy, a better understanding of diverse cultures, a better usage of foreign languages, experiencing innovative teaching teacniques,etc. are evaluated four times in a year.A European perspective to learning and teaching activities will be acquired.