Description of the project

  • Description of the project:

    Within this project we would like to enable project teams to get introduced to different countries culture, to share their experience and emotions. We would also like to combine 21st and 20th century skills.


    • To improve 21st century skills, mainly communication skills, writing (letters, postcards, descriptions, story), listening, reading
    • To improve ICT skills and use them efectively within the project work (logo)
    • To share teaching methods
    • To share learning methods
    • To share students ´ and emotions  feedbacks after online lessons based on shared materials
    • To improve art skills
    • To learn about other cultures, countries, social background
    • To develop problem solving skills
    • To develop presentation skills


    All in eTwinning

    Languages: English, Russian

    Number of stds: 15+

    Subjects: history, English, Art, Social studies, music, ICT tools



    • Icebreaking activity: we are going to use Padlet or Thinglink or Jigsaw puzzle, Zeempas to introduce project teams, schools and countries. Students prepare a quiz about their country for partners and a quiz about their partner country based on research
    • Students will be informed about netiquet
    • Students will write their profile in Twinspace: favourite subjects, likes/dislikes, expectation from this project
    • Students will be divided into interantional teams
    • Students will prepare instruction about making unknown object which will be done by partner teams. (reusable material and instructions), photos and videos will be made. At the end of this activity author team wil reveal the real picture of the subject
    • Teachers will  agree on the topic and share materials they usually use and also the methods If possible we can also try to have online lesson.
    • Based on this lesson students will have to work on a task in the international teams
    • Students will share their learning habits and inspire their peers via sharing them. Then they will evaluate or just comment on this new experience
    • Before Christmas we will prepare a quiz about natioanl Christmas traditions and we will design and make X-mas  postcards and little presents which will be sent to partner schools in the middle of December. Teachers will make a video monitoring of natural emotions while preparing the box for partners and while opening the one received.
    • Communication on Forum – chatting about X-mass time (grammar, vocabulary practising)
    • Multilingual dictionary
    • E-book
    • evauation




    Timeline: October – icebreaking activities,meeting teams, profiles, logo, presentation of school, towns, countries

                     November – making onknown object

                     December – making X- mas postcards and little gifts for partners, sending them by post, video

                     January – communication on Forum

                     February – multilingual dictionary

                     March – online lesson

                     April – working on outcomes


    Outcomes: videos, e-book, postcards, making unknown object, posters, slideshow

    Feedback – google form, Word cloud
