First lesson in the project Kid's smoothies

  • LITHUANIA (Kindergarten "RŪTA") - We are playing



    A lot of diferent activities 

    Introducing the berries of the rowan tree.

    The teachers went to the forest with their children. There was a rowan tree. Children picked rowans.In kindergarten berries were washed and tasted. The berries did not bother the children: they were bitter. Rowans put in a freezer. After three days it was thawed and aged. The berries were tasty!



    The names of fruits and berries.

    Every day children learn about fruits and berries: names, colour, taste, how much, ...



    Tour to the market.


    Fruit or vegetable?





    TARAS from Warsaw in Poland class IIC


    LITHUANIA (Kindergarten "PASAKA")

    "Kid's smoothies" is the first lesson of my project. We used imaginary maps and tried to identify the fruids and to separate them (some of which are grown in Lithuania and other countries) and to find parts of the tree. Some of these fruit we tasted.

                              SEMRA AYATA-MERSİN TURKEY                           

    We read the story about the benefits of the fruit. We made a drama about the English names of the books.



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