Escola Básica 2,3 Ferreira de Castro - Sintra - 7ºC - Portugal


    We are class 7º C. Our school is the Headschool of a Cluster of 6 different schools. Some are pre-schools, primary schools and our is an elementary school.


    Look at this acticity we have made on the 26th September 2017. It was a treasure hunt about languages. Students had to look for QR Codes in the school, read them and answer questions on different languages. They had great fun. Look at the trailer we have made.



    The name of the Cluster of Schools is Agrupamento de Escolas Ferreira de Castro. Our school is Escola Básica 2,3 Ferreira de Castro.

    This our address. 

    EB 2,3 Ferreira de Castro

    Turma 7ºC 

    Rua Ferreira de Castro, Nº 13
    Algueirão-Mem Martins
    2725-311 MEM MARTINS

    This is the view from our school from GoogleMaps. (Later we will add more.)

    Region - Algueirão - Mem Martins is a Portuguese village, from Sintra. It has more or else 67.000 inhabitants. 


    If you visit us you will see these and more. :)


    This us writing the Postcards!