
  • Group 1: the voice goes to the cup by a wave motion, the sound is being transfered through the string to the next cup from the membrane, the membrane of the second cup will shake, the sound from the cup is being transfered by the wave of motion of air into our ear.


    Group 2: Beacuse we have two eyes we have spatial vision. If we close one eye spatial vision is lost. Take a shot to smile eye our big finger on one eye close after then we grid and see that big finger we have on second side.


    Group 3: The volcano erupted, because sodium bicarbonate reacts with acetic acid.

    Thanks to this reaction, carbon dioxide gas has formed. He had just simulated the explosion.

    Carbon dioxide gas is added to the water and we then have sparkling water. Similar reactions are created, for example, in the baking of a cake. Then the cake is fluffy. 



    Group 4: We'll need: lighter, small candle, plate, glass and coloured water

    First we'll pour the coloured water into the plate and then we'll put the small candle in the middle of the plate and light it after that we'll cover the candle with glass. The water in the plate will start filling the glass until all oxygen in the glass is gone and the lighted candle will blow out. 

    The water filled the glass and the light blow out because the fire burned out all the oxygen and that made vacuum in the glass, so the water on the plate filled the vacuum in the glass. When you take off the glass it will make a *pop* sound and the water will go back on the plate.