Twisters from Spain

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    Compró Paco pocas copas

    y como pocas copas compró

    pocas copas Paco pagó.

    Paco bought just a few glasses. Since they were very few, little money he had to pay.


    El hipopótamo Hipo está con Hipo

    ¿quién le quita el hipo

    al hipopótamo Hipo?

    Hipo Hipo has got the hiccups. Who knows how to get rid of its hiccups?


    Tres tristes trapecistas

    con tres trapos troceados

    hacen trampas truculentas

    poque suben al trapecio

    por trapos y no por cuerdas.

    Three sad trapeze artists with three pieces of cloth are cheating us

    because they are using not the ropes but these cloths to get to the trapeze.


    La gallina Cenicienta 

    en el cenicero está

    el que la descenice

    buen descenizador será.

    Hen Cinderella is in the ashtray. The one who takes the ashes away from her

    a skilled ashes taker no doubt has to be.


    Cuando cuentes cuentos

    cuenta cuántos cuentos cuentas

    porque si no cuentas

    cuántos cuentos cuentas

    nunca sabrás

    cuántos cuentos sabes contar.

    Whenever you tell tales count how many of them you tell.

    Otherwise you'll never know how many tales are you able to tell.
