Scuola Thouar - ICPRA' - Giuseppina Caviglia: Coding and robot Final balance

  • During the year we followed the "From drawing to programming" Etwinning project in the design of technology connecting it with the two moments of robotics activity with the digital animator in the Atelier Creative: in the first activity (in the first quarter) for an hour in groups the students were helped by the boys of Villa Ratto to use the "apine" robots, in the second activity (the first of June) for an hour the students were helped by the boys of Calvino in sumo competitions.

    These activities have been included in the programming for the construction of sequences of commands to play by moving something on the screen or for moving people (in a paper game Cody Roby the pupils gave commands to move the companions on the paths) or objects (the apies and the robots doing the sumo competition), in short, to learn how to program.

    At the end of the course, after the intervention of the boys of Calvino, the students were given an individual functional check to evaluate how much the "play" had built skills in programming: identification of commands, their characteristics, need to create a functional succession of commands, centrality of the iteration and of the feedback with attention to how to "obey" the robot to a command (value of falsity and truth).

    For the final balance see the blog on our class website:
    The elaboration of the final check after the work with the boys of Calvino will help us to set up the work in the next year.
    Read the blog, in which we also tried to communicate in English to talk with the schools of the project, and the summary carefully and watch the video on