Schedule of "Welcome to our feasts world" project
Dear partners,
Project timing is a guide for better implementation. It is not absolute and sometimes we can dodge it
1. September, October:
- Students present themselves, their schools, their cities and their countries.
- They use also forum to present themselves and knowing each other.
2. November:
- A contest for Project logo.
- Sending greeting cards.
3. December:
4. January
- Brainstorming about celebrations of each country.
5. February-March-April:
- Presentation of each country celebrations using 2.0 web tools.
- Creating a collaborative song about celebrations.
- Creating a collaborative story about celebrations.
- Discussions in the forum "celebrations around our countries"
- Creating games.
- Comparison and finding similarities about celebrations.
6. May:
- Presenting works and the Final product (e-book).
- Last live event and evaluation (Teachers & students).