In this sharing google doc you can put your opinion, ideas about sceens, proposals. Please choose idea and try develop action, arrange the sceens
TESTING Here we are made a video test by add kids and some your beautiful pictures
TOOLS and FOOTAGE Here is our green screen

Making of footage on green screen - crazy part of collaboration in the classroom :D :D :D

We have got a lot videos from all countries and made 4 films. 2 of them we created using scenario, made by Italian and Greek teams together. It's video "Tourists" and " Lost in the city" . Next two was our creative work using as many footage as we had - "Magic flight through heritage" and "Living culture".

PROGRAMS and STUFF We used Corel Video Studio program for making slots, titles, effects, also records of 360 dinamic pictures from virtual tour of the cities, free for non commercial use.

For the Sound tracks we used free music and free sound effects from and

Playlist of videos