VIP Multilanguage Phrase Books

  • This Multilanguage Phrase Book consists of the vocabulary and phrases in English, Ukrainian, Finnish, Albanian, Turkish and Romanian.

    How we created it:

    1. At the beginning of the project, teacher-partners discussed some questions on the Forum and by email about the criteria of this e-book: topics, lexicon, languages, the sequence of stages and the mixed international subgroups of pupils to cooperate in creation of multilanguage phrasebooks.

    2. We defined the following features of every phrase book:

    2.1. the basis for the books must be in English;

    2.2. 6 topics;

    2.3. about 15 words on each topic;

    2.4. on average 10 phrases on each topic;

    3. to form mixed editorial groups of pupils from different countries on each topic.

    4. The pupils, guided by teachers, also created the following Phrase Books:

    4.1. English - Ukrainian - Finnish;

    4.2. English - Finnish-Romanian (Romania);

    4.3. English - Albanian - Romanian (Romania);

    4.4. English - Albanian – Turkish,

    4.5. English -Turkish- Romanian (Moldova)

    4.6. English - Romanian (Moldova) – Ukrainian
