03- Nov-Apr: Create a history lesson

  • Nov-Apr: Create a history lesson


    • Check your pupils' topics suggestions to make sure they fulfill the requirements.
    • ​Help your pupils with creating their lesson.
    • Videorecord your pupils' lessons.
    • Make sure that these videos and the quizes are added onto the international groups twinspace pages.

    Teachers, in this table, add “OK” as soon as you’re done.

    France Germany Georgia Poland Romania Kalymnos, Greece Crete,Greece Bulgaria
    OK OK                 OK    



    -> Work with the pupil of your class who is also in your international group.

    1. Suggest at least two topics you would like to present to your international team. Go here: https://pad.disroot.org/p/Wn5R65MTz5VC5WXB# You can suggest more than two! You're free too choose whatever you want. The only rule is that it should be something you are studying in history class, or that you have studied in history class. DEADLINE: 17th of November.
    2. On the previous document, vote for the topic you would like to be taught about for each country of your international group. To do that, just write your country under the topic you like most. DEADLINE: 30th of November.
    3. See which of your suggestions got the most votes and create a lesson (ie: slideshow) to teach the members of your international group about it.
    4. Film yourselves presenting your lesson (IE: in France, we will do that in front of all the class to get some feedback).
    5. If the sound isn’t too good, create subtitles.
    6. Create a quiz about you lesson to go along with it.
    7. This video its the quiz are uploaded onto your international group twinspace page.


    IMPORTANT: each time you fulfill a task, let us know by adding YES in this pagehttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16PiAeiyVA_TE9UItqj8lNmiSMB8oDpjV-obkrAcs_lc/edit?usp=sharing