
  • eTwinning project Along and across Europe


    Α' Δημοτικό Ποταμού Γεμασόγειας, Cyprus

    CEIP Simón Cabarga, Spain

    Institut Sainte Anne, Belgium

    Primary school Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia




    1. Making a video about traditional item and upload it on TwinSpace, after that pupils can ask questions about it and they can exchange answers on forum on TwinSpace

    Deadline  April 30

    2. Make a postcard with local features, traditional features or else and send it to partner schools by post and upload those photos on Padlet on TwinSpace

    Deadline  May 11

    3. Make presentation about your town/ place (each school makes 5 slides), put it on TwinSpace and partners will add info and photos of their own, write few sentences about partner's town...or wrtie about your town and school on Forum on TwinSpace. 

    Deadline  May 31