
  • The statistic results of our survey

    Volunteers asking families.
    Volunteers asking families.
    Volunteers asking families.
    Volunteers asking families.
    Volunteers asking families.
    Our volunteers.
    Volunteers asking students.
    Volunteers asking students.

    Survey about free time activities in Spain.

    According to the data obtained, we have found out some interesting facts about free time activities in Spain, such as:
    • Both, adults and teenagers usually use their free time to practice sports (over 80%) and football is not the king of them in both population groups.
    • Most of the parents read in their free time but only half of the students do it.
    • No teenager uses Facebook (in the other hand it is the main option for adults). They prefer mainly Instagram.
    • Most of the adults don’t play videogames, just in opposition to a majority of the students that play them.
    • When given an option about what to do in their free time, both population groups choose to go out with friends.