About us

  • Torun, Poland

    My name is Jola. Personally I love to travel and explore new places. I love hiking in the mountains. In primary school I teach nature and science. Among the students propagate healthy lifestyles and behavior "Eko". My students are curious about the world and they are very creative.They are called "Club of Young Explorers". We live and learn in Torun. Torun is a very beautiful and very old town. In Torun there are many monuments.

    It is class 5b, Primary School in Toruń. Poland

    It is our school

    This is our city - Torun. Torun is a very old city. There is a lot of Gothic architercture.



    Rabča, Slovakia

    We are kids from the school club - this is where we meet after the schooling while our parents are at work. We like to play, to sing, to dance, to go for walks. We explore and discover the world around us. We live in the heart of Europe, in Slovakia in the area called Orava. We have a wonderful nature here.

    And...this is our country on Earth map:

    The blue point on the map is our village Rabča:

    Orava, the nature around us:

    So we live:

    Aaaaand, here we are!