
  • Rasmus (Estonia) has an idea: let students to think of specific scenes between specific charachters, not the whole scenario. While they meet can they start to put scenes togehter into one whole scenario.

    Then he had an idea about our charachter, The Son of Kalev. Since he is really huge, is an interesting option just to use his big foots. This is also easier to animate. The co-character will then be the hedgehog, the Son of Kalev's helper and adviser in the epos. We can stick the hedgehog at the man's foot and let him to move-talk-act. Rasmus draw a picture how he sees it- see pdf below.

    Scenario being created by the PORTUGUESE students:


    In our scenario we can't  miss this 
















    Dragon from Poland

    Angel of the death from Turkey

    Rooster from Portugal

    Girl from Norway

    Knight from Estonia

    Piggy from Croatia

    Man from Italy

    Voice of narrator










    Voice of narrator: One day the Polish Dragon invited all of his friends. He thought that it would be a great idea - spending summer in his country. Really hot country, for the Dragon...

    His friends were convinced that he lived in a place where was always sunny. They packed their clothes, which they most often wear during warm days and began quite a long journey.


    [Dragon comes to the airport]


    Dragon: Welcome my dear friends in my lovely Poland!


    [Everybody but the Dragon looks around]


    Angel of the death: This is not the weather that you described. It looks as you're a cheater, doesn’t it?

    Man from Italy: Hey! Don't be rude. You're a guest. Tomorrow it will be better, belive me.

    Angel of the death: Argh, I'm not sure.


    [Dragon takes all of the quests to his cave in the cliff]


    Dragon: I really love this place! It's next to the sea...

    Rooster: Seriously? I'm so excited! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

    Piggy: I want to go swimming tomorrow!

    Knight from Estonia: Me too! Me too!

    Angel of the death: Forgive me, but now I'm tired. Good night.

    Girl from Norway: It's so late. I think that the idea of our Angel is the best.


    [Everybody falls asleep]



    [Next day. It's rainy and cloudy. Girl from Norway wakes up as the first and is walking around the cave]


    Girl from Norway: Aaaaaa! Where is Knight? He was sleeping here! [points his place]

    Rooster: I forgot to wake up everybody... Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

    Piggy: I'm sorry, right? But please, my friends, I really want to sleep more.

    Angle of the death: My little girl, the Knight couldn’t vanish into thin air.


    [They see a shadow in the entry]


    Man from Italy [whispers]: Is it raining? It means that I mistook.

    Girl from Norway: Hey! Is it a shadow of a man? Maybe... Does he want to kill us?!


    [Angel of the death walks over to her with a smile]


    Angel of the death: Easy, easy. I'm here.

    Man of Estonia [heavy-hearted and wet through]: Good morning.

    Girl from Norway: You're here! Yay! I was wondering...

    Piggy: Oh, you came back. Nice to meet you again.

    Man from Italy: You really got soaked. It's so sad.

    Knight of Estonia: Why?

    Man from Italy: Because it means that...

    Angel of the death: It means that you made a mistake yesterday. Is it true or not?

    Man from Italy: Unfortunately - yes.

    Dragon: Ha! Look! I didn't say it yesterday. I think that the weather will be better soon.

    Voice of narrator: Two hours later

    Piggy: Listen to me. It's finally sunny!

    Rooster: Cock-a-doodle-doo!

    Man from Italy: Ha! I told you yesterday, didn’t I?!


    [Angel of the dead applauds]

    Dragon: Do you want to try swimming? It's only a suggestion.

    Piggy: It’s a great idea. Let's see the Baltic Sea!

    Knight from Estonia: I'm really brave. I'm going to lead you.

    Dragon: It isn't necessary.

    Girl from Norway: Easy, easy. Dragon is our host!

    Knight from Estonia: Ups. Forget.

    Girl from Norway: But hey! Let's go! When I was younger I didn’t have any occasion to swim in sea.

    Angel of the death [smiles]: So we don’t have any choice.

    Rooster: I can't swim but I'll sing. Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

    Dragon: I'm not sure. Is it a good idea? [whispers] His voice is too loud.

    Piggy: Of course. He's the most charismatic person that I know!

    Angel of the death: He's an animal...

    Girl from Norawy [whispers]: Don't say that. She is as well. (pointing the piggy)

    Angel of the death: beautiful girl and pretty piggy in the same place.

    Man from Italy: We must stop talking and go to the beach.

    Dragon: Yes!



    Voice of narrator: Everybody goes to the beach. The most optimistic was... Oh sorry! I signed a contract, that I will not size them up.


    Piggy: Wow! Polish sea is more beautiful than I imagined.

    Dragon: So my lady, you can go swimming first.

    Piggy [blushes]: Go first, please.


    [Dragon dives]


    Girl from Norway: Me too, me too!

    Knight from Estonia: I've got an idea, dear minions... it means dear friends. Yes, friends!

    Angel of the death: We all have ears, our honorable knight [smiles].

    Knight from Estonia: We all can jump to the water in the same time.

    Girl from Norway: It will be an amazing experience.

    Rooster: I stay here.

    Piggy: Why? We can help you.

    Angel of the death: You know, where you can find me [goes to the water]

    Rooster: Look at me. Cock-a-doodle-doo!

    Man from Italy: What do you mean? It's great when you can do everything with your friends.

    Rooster [abashed]: Look at me again.

    Man from Italy: I still don't understand.

    Rooster: I'm a bird! I've got feathers.

    Girl from Norway: Forgive us, it was a stupid question.

    Angel of the death [comes back]: It's a horror! It reminds me swimming while winter.

    Man from Italy: I hope, that you're going to sing.

    Angel of the death: Me? Hahahaha!

    Man from Italy: Rooster, not you.

    Rooster: Obviously! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

    Angel of the death: Let's swim. Our Dragon seems to be bored.

    [Piggy, girl, knight and man jump into the water]

    Rooster: Have fun!


    [Angel of the death looks at them and smiles]


    Knight from Estonia: It's cold like... like... like snow! [runs to the sand]

    Man from Italy: I made a mistake again. I thought that it would be better ...[he is on the sand] I love Mediterranean Sea.


    [Piggy and girl from Norway come out and shiver]


    Girl from Norway: Dragon... why did you lie?

    Man from Italy: I'm curious too.

    Angel of the death: He didn't lie.

    Piggy: Why do you think so?


    [Angel of the death points dragon]


    Knight from Estonia: He must be really brave. He's still swimming.


    [Dragon leaves the sea]


    Dragon: Is there any problem? Why aren't you swimming? The weather is great.

    Man from Italy: It's too cold!

    Piggy: Forgive me, but I’m still feeling cold.


    [Knight from Estonia bows down]


    Knigh from Estonia: You're the bravest and the most weatherbeaten (un)knight whom I know.

    Voice of narrator: They came back to the Dragon's cave. Ha! Now I'm neutral. 

    Piggy: Now we know what is the weather like in Poland. So, maybe we will go to Croatia now?

    Man from Italy: That is a good idea. And I will be near my country.

    Angel of the death: I think so too. About this plan. „Near my country”? I understand that you miss your mother and want to visit her. [smiles, whispers] Is she still alive? I can't remember.

    Girl from Norway: Yeaa, but you have to admit that Poland is a beautiful country, isn’t it?

    Piggy: Of course. But once we have bathed in the cold sea, we can also have a bath in the warm one.

    Rooster: What about me?

    Dragon: Have you already learnt flying? Haha!

    Rooster: Ha ha ha very funny..

    Dragon: Enjoy, Rooster, but I like my country and I’m staying here.

    Piggy: Remember! You can always join us.

    Dragon: I'm not sure.

    Angel of the death: It’s important that we will be warm in Croatia.

    Man from Italy: Let’s go!!!

    Angel of the death [keeps away]: I’m staying here.

    Dragon and knight from Estonia: Really?

    Angel of the death [turns back]: Have a nice trip.


    [Everybody but the Dragon and Angel of the death flies away]



    Voice of narrator: Then Dragon sat down on the grass and was looking straight ahead. Angel of the death on tiptoe came to him and joined him.


    Angel of the death: Cheer up.

    Dragon: I thought that it'd be better. And now? But why did you stay here?

    Angel of the death: No comment.

    Dragon: Be honest. We are alone now.

    Angel of the death: We are similiar.

    Dragon: Similar?

    [Angel of the death pats his back and stand down]

    Angel of the death: Guess. I haven't got a good reputation either.

    Dragon: Hey! That wasn't kind!

    Angel of the death: Of course. It was rude. But true too. I've got a plan for us.

    Dragon: Yes?

    Angel of the death: Let's go to Croatia and our friends.

    [Dragon stands up and smiles]

    Dragon: Right! [whispers] I've never thought that he would propose me something like that.



    Voice of narrator: Next day.


    [All are in Croatia]


    Piggy: I'm so happy that you're with us!

    Angel of the death: Don't exaggerate!

    Dragon: It's all thanks to him. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Angel of the death [ashamed]: Now you're exaggerating...


    Polish VEAC Team