• You can see all the photos and videos in the next link.












    Today the sport seems to be used by all segments in the community as an educational tool.  The concept of sports includes peace, tolerance, equality, discipline, virtue, pleasure, rights, law, happiness, love, respect as well as sadness, grief, which are within the concept of human dignity. The concept includes them as an event concept which are still human features such as stress and make the character as a concept that affects the whole existence of the human being. 
    The concept of fair play is an expression of respect shown for human dignity. Every phase and every type of sport has established itself. If we examine the concept of fair play in the terms of human and social dimensions; the purpose of the humanist moral is not to suppress the evil of man, but to facilitate the use of the facilities in a creative way that inherited in human naturally. If the society wants to make the people virtuous, they should try to make them more creative. Therefore an environment that promotes creativity must be prepared.

    The objectives of this project are:
    - To gain the feeling of cooperation and collaboration among the youth,
    - To teach to obey the rules and gain the self-control mechanisms habit,
    - To gain the awareness of nature and human values as well as environmental issues.