ETwinning - eine Chance, wahre Freundschaften zu knüpfen

  • OUnseres Projekt geht leider zu ende... Durch fast zwei Jahren hatten wir sich zusammen stark angefreundet. Erste Schritte im Projekt loeschen bei mir grosse Gefuehle aus, weil es fuer mich erste Teilnahme im Projekt war. Ich war voll von Aengste, ob ich mit meinen Schuelern alle Aufgaben schaffe, ob das Projekt meinen Schuelern gefallen wird... usw. Heute koennte ich sagen, dass fuer meine Aengste kein Platz sein sollten. Die Partnerinen und Partnern waren so freundlich und so hilfsbereit, sie dienen immer Rat und Tat. Und zusaetzliche Preis bekamm ich von meinen Schuelern, die sagten:" ...Projekte aendern die Leute..." Ich hoffe, dass wir  wieder im anderen Projekt zusammen treffen werden.

                                                                                              Agnieszka aus Polen

    I consider my eTwinning experience as something unforgettable: a new way of learning and studying, beyond every difficulty.

    According to me it is signifcant for teachers to get through this experience. It is an important factor for personal growth and for professional development. 

    At the end of the program, our students will become more independent, have a better understanding about people from other culture, and have better problem-solving skills. They become knowledgeable about other culture and learn a new language. They learn to adapt to a new environment. They also develop leadership and decision making skills. I think that all these personal developments will help our students in the future.

    Iza from Poland


    When I first joined the project, I thought that it was a great opportunity for my students, as they mainly live in a deprived area of the city and they don’t have many opportunities to travel to learn and improve German and English, the foreign languages they learn at school.

    Secondly, I thought that it was going to be a great opportunity for me as a teacher to be part of such a knowledgeable team of teachers who had been already awarded prizes for their work on gamification.

    I had never thought of another important element that was going to be triggered by the project: friendship! Friendship is rarely mentioned among the results of any project. However, I think that it is the glue for any successful project besides all the other important factors, which impact any project.

    I can never forget how excited I was on meeting for the first time the teachers I had been in contact and worked with for so many months, planning the project. I will always remember the warm welcome the Headmaster Hikmet Okur, the teacher of German, Sebla Döner, the teacher of English, Sebhattin Güven and all the other teachers who were at the airport offered to my colleague and me. The Turkish team made us feel at home; during our stay they become our family in Adana. It was nice to meet all the teachers in the project, exchange information, talk and plan the meetings ahead. We immediately created a bond, which was renovated and reinvigorated during each of the following meetings: Catania – Italy, Wielen – Poland, Athens - Greece. Every time we teachers got the chance to know a bit more about the others and the trust in each other grew significantly.

    In Poland, Agnieszka, teacher of German, the students and their parents welcomed us on a cold night; however, the welcome they gave us was so warm that we did not feel the cold! We breathed the Polish Christmas atmosphere in the wonderful Manor Debogora and we had the chance to listen to old stories of the Second World War. Marianthi Platsi, Stavrula Valkanou Eftichia Chroni, Anna Mavropanou, Christianna Ioannidou and many other wonderful teachers at the Gymnasium Acharnon in Acharnes, Athens, welcomed us friendly and happily in a hot sunny day. They gave us the opportunity to learn not only about the food but also local dances and the typical positive attitude Greek have. We are heading towards the last meeting and I am sure it will another great experience and probably sad as well, since the project will end.

    Friendship has been a plus in this project as it helped a lot in achieving our aims.

    We all will surely miss the wonderful get together and the nice time spent together and we are ready to start a new adventure together.

     Anna aus Italien



    When I joined this wonderful project, I had no idea what it was about and I even wasn´t sure for how long I would be able to be a part of it because I had limited contract with the school. But fortunately, here I am at the end of it and I can hardly express how grateful I am for this chance. At the beginning we were just some strangers living in different parts of the world, we started as “project partners”, but now I feel like we are all parts of the one big family. We all had a great time playing on-line quizzes and games and visiting our colleagues and students in Adana, Sicily, Wielen and Athens. We have learnt many new things about different countries, cultures and I am sure this knowledge will help us to better understand each other and to spread this understanding and tolerance. I feel the same what Anna our colleague from Italy has written, so I don´t need to write it again J , I agree with all her words and I am looking forward to be in touch in the future and to exchange our ideas and I believe that this project has brought us not only wonderful memories, but will also bring us wonderful future experiences. Thank you once again for giving me a chance to participate in this great project.

    Janka Rohalova from Bardejov (Slovakia)

    Dieses Projekt war eine große Herausforderung für mich. Gemeinsam mit Sebla und Stavrula haben wir schon gemeinsam am eTwinning-Projekt gearbeitet.Und so haben wir uns enschieden weiter zusammenzuarbeiten, diesmal in einem Erasmus+ projekt.  Ich persönlich hatte keine Erfahrung mit Erasmus + -Projekten und am Anfang habe ich mich gefuerchtet. Dank den guten Freunden ist das Projekt gut gelaufen. Deshalb moechte ich vielen Dank an alle meine Kollegen und heute kann ich Freunden mitteilen. Wir haben dieses Erasmus + -Projekt erfolgreich umgesetzt, wobei wir die Etwinning-Plattform als unsere Website verwendet haben. Unsere Zusammenarbeit war aktiv und wir haben uns gegenseitig geholfen. Ich freute mich sehr auf jedes Treffen, an dem wir bis jetzt teilgenommen haben. In diesem Projekt traf ich Leute, die freundlich und hilfsbereit waren, ohne Vorurteile. Nie vergesse ich den Direktor der tuerkischen Schule und die Kollegen von Schulkoordinatoren. Im Oktober finden das letzten Treffen in der Slowakei statt. Die ganze Schule arbeitet an den Vorbereitungen des Treffens.

    Soňa Sosenková, Bardejov, Slowake



     After having read what our dear partners have written about the project , I feel there is nothing more I can add except for reffering to the great friendship that has been created among students and teachers from all the participant countries and the deep knowledge that has been acquired about these countries and their cultures.

                   Eftihia Chroni, Acharnes,                                                Greece