CROATIAN KA1 project: Step to a Future School

  • About the project:

    The project "Step to a Future School" deals with  modernization and internationalization of Primary School Strahoninec by sending 7 teachers to professional development on structured Erasmus+ courses in Europe. The goals of the project are to develop key competences and skills of the teachers and students through life-long learning, school modernization and internationalization by promoting intercultural values, improving school quality, education, teaching methodology and healthy lives of the staff and students. These aims are going to be achieved by  growing digital competences of the teachers and students, by introducing and using digital materials and ICT technology in classes and extracurricular activities, improving teaching skills, media and computer literacy and acquiring basic digital skills for future work and schooling of the students, by connecting with other schools and partners in Europe, making new school partnerships and sharing the examples of good practice. In the courses, the teacher are going to meet various school systems, teachers from other countries and later network with them and their students in the future projects of our school. Through this project, we plan to introduce new and modern teaching methods, nurture sport and form positive attitudes about healthy life and nutrition, as well as to improve the quality of the school and the international cooperation so that our school becomes the school of the future. Teachers who teach different subjects to older students (10-14) have shown the interest for professional development, after the possibilities of Erasmus+ KA1 development was introduced to them in the teachers' assembly. 7 teachers were chosen to participate, after they wrote a motivation letter and self-evaluation about the competences they need to develop, as well as the questionnaire. The topics of the courses we chose are "Healthy teachers – healthy school", "New learning environments", "ICT as a tool for intercultural and media education" and "Future learning with tablets and iPads".

    The Expexted Results

    The direct results of the professional development will firstly reflect in creating new curricula for each subject and other curricula necessary for the school curriculum. In lessons, this means that most of the teachers will use the new findings from ICT to modernize their classes and make them more interesting and approachable for the students. 

    The teachers are going to be able to use the knowledge they acquired in the structured courses in the daily lives when working with the students and they will work on fulfilling their potentials, taking care of the special needs students as well as the gifted students. The benefits of the new competences will also have the school and its development plan, because the teachers will be more prepared to participate in the future school projects, like Erasmus+ School Partnerships and eTwinning projects, but also the wider community, where the results of the project will be disseminated.


    The dissemination will be held in local, regional, national and international level, after each mobility and in the end of the evaluation of the finalized project. We are going to use various media for dissemination, from newspapers, peer-reviewed magazines, to internet pages and  i television. The evaluation of the project is going to show whether the goals are accomplished successfully and if the school has the better quality, which will be shown in the next school year.