SOS LS A. Oriani (Ra) The Drone Flight


    A Survey of the littoral environment by 3Asa.

    3Asa students are engaged in a project included in the training program in partnership with universities and local companies designed by the Italian Ministry of Education for students aged 15-18 with the aim of enhancing their future job skills. The project is about the sustainability of the environment in the littoral areas of Ravenna and its surroundings. Mr Nicola Merloni is the tutor of the students and the University of Bologna, first cycle degree/Bachelor - Environmental Sciences, is the partner of the training program. 

    The students' task is to collect photos, videos and write notes, as a learning diary, recording the most significant phases of the project.

    MAY 5th 2017

    On May 5th 2017 Mr Merloni and 3Asa students had a naturalistic trip in Casal Borsetti and Porto Corsini, two sea villages near Ravenna, which preserve wonderful wild spots amont nature. In particular you can see natural sand dunes and a rare ecosystem. In the morning we observed the dune vegetation and in the afternoon we had a meeting in Porto Corsini with Dr Zanni, an expert in Environmental Sciences, who showed us how a drone can be helpful in a quick and precise survey of limited natural areas.
    The videos below show the students on the dunes in Porto Corsini.