Competition of performance arts / Concurs de arte ale spectacolului ”Triuna horeia”

  • This is the page where all participants can upload the results of their activities - photos, films, presentations of music, dance pieces, sketches, animation plays, scenography.


    Kindergarten 1 "Detelina",Tervel,Bulgaria

    St. Lazarus Day
    According to Bulgarian folk beliefs, Lazarus Saturday,
    also called Lazaritsa, is a day on which young girls are initated to become future wives.
    In the traditions of old, groups of young women dressed in festive clothes walked the town,
    singing songs bidding health, prosperity and fertility to households.
    The owners of the houses give them eggs, money, fruit and small gifts.

    Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 18 Galati - prof. Vali Ene

    Scoala Dimitrie Sturdza Tecuci - prof. Florentina Marieta Golea