About the project


    This creative writing project will have students from different countries collaborate on a writing workshop to write stories together in the manner of round-robin stories which are then made into both comics and short movies. 
    They will have to create stories belonging to various literary genres, using English.  When the story is finished, they will display it on an online platform and create ebooks. 
    Once all stories are written, one of them will be chosen by students and performed in the manner of an audiobook to make it available to all type of readers even  visually impaired ones.


    The project main goals are to improve:

    - students' literary skills. Students will practice their creative writing skills and become more familiar with the story-writing process and narrative techniques in order to write well-organized stories.
    - students' ESL skills in writing, reading and speaking. They'll have to write their stories but also read when they receive their partners' bits of stories, and then exchange their points of view in English during groupwork.
    - ICT skills. Indeed, students will use mutlimedia tools to write their stories together, edit and publish them online and then turn them into movies. 
    -cooperation skills as it will be a group work.


    January. The introductory part will consist of the students making a short video where they will introduce themselves and their schools. 
    February to March. Students from all schools will be offered a list of main popular genres ( fairy tales, love, detective, sci-fi, adventure, horror stories, marvel like comics) and choose which genre they prefer. The first stage is story writing. Here the students from each school write a part of a story which is then sent to another school, where the students continue with it. To make things funnier, they'll have to start writing either the context, or the climax/ conflicst, or the closure/conclusion. This way, they'll understand how important it is to bear in mind the different steps. This step is repeated until the stories are finished. 
    April. During the second stage, each school gets one story and the students create a comics based on that story.
    May to June. In the final part, the comics is adapted into a movie.


    A lot of materials will be created during this product. 
    A Twinspace will be opened to exchange about the project, share our common work documents.
    Once the stories are completed (on framapad for example or any other type of online shared document), students will create their comics (using toondoo for example).
    Thanks to tricider, they'll decide which story to play in the end. 
    We will upload all the material- the stories, the comics and the videos on a public set twinspace