MALTA project page

  • This site offers resources gathered and/or created through the project Meet the Ancestors. This project’s main objective was to create an awareness and understanding of our ancestry to overcome prejudice and racism. Who are we? Where do we come from? What is our genetic history? 


    Dan is-sit joffri riżorsi li ġew miġburin għall-proġett Iltaqa’ mal-Antenati. L-għan ewlieni ta’ dan il-proġett kien li joħloq għarfien dwar il-passat tagħna u tal-familji tagħna biex jiġu indirizzati l-problemi ta’ preġudizzju u razziżmu. Aħna min aħna? Min fejn ġejjin? X’inhu l-passat tagħna?

    Antenati tagħna - Link

    School Website