
  • Traditional dances

    As part of our project work for the meeting in Spain, our Music and Dance colleagues prepared with their students some traditional Spanish dances in order to show our guests. They did a wonderful job!

    In this video, you can see some students wearing traditional costumes from the southern region of Spain (Andalucía) and dancing "sevillanas". This is no doubt the best-known dance of Spanish folklore, and even though it is not really typical in the area of La Mancha, many children learn it when they attend dancing lessons. You can see that our students are really good at it!



    "Rumba" is another traditional Spanish rhythm,very typical in popular celebrations. It is often a partner dance and people dance in couples, but our students prepared a beautiful choreography using traditional steps and achieving an impressive result. The music they chose is a rumba based on the Italian song "Volare", by Domenico Modugno. But you will notice that the rhythm is completely different from this of the original ;). Check:

    HALLOWEEN 2017


    By: Yosli Copariate, Paula Feceu, Alicia Zamorano and Lucía Torres, 3ºESO A-B




    This year, we celebrated Halloween in our school and secondary students from 1st and 2nd years brought Halloween-themed food to celebrate this day during the break of Halloween day , on 31st October. There were a lot of creative decorations such as cookies that looked like spiders, lollipops as little as ghosts, an amazing cake with pumpkin shape and many more things as you can see in the images below. Some teacher from other classes couldn’t resist and join the party too and everybody agreed that the food was delicious and the students were very happy as the break was a bit longer. By: Roberto Matis and Camilo Alonso 3º A


    Last 30th October, our partners and we (Bilingual secondary 3rd year) tmade a presentation of Halloween for all students from 1st and 2nd year. WE DID IT ALL IN ENGLISH. we told them in a clear and funny form two topics : The first was the origin and meaning of Halloween and in the second one we explained who Jack O’Lantern was ( that is the way they call the typical Halloween pumpkin? Then we did a little play that we ourselves wrote and we disguised as nuns, clowns, zombies, mothers and daughters and we also decorated the events hall with cobwebs, skeletons and pumpkins. It was so funny to scare the students when they were passing into the events hall!!!!! It was fun to scare our fellow as they were entering the Hall! By: Alejandra Rubio and Carlota Mudarra 3ºB