Carpe antiquit@tem, our projcet

  • Our project consists of the following activities presented in the twinspace pages:

     1. Etymology (December-January) In this activity students will learn some of the basic Greek and Latin roots in European languages. They choose the area they prefer in a google.doc and they work in international teams gathering words in titanpads in Greek and Latin and their derivates in the languages they speak. They present their work in calameo. They also create quizzes (1 and 2) on the material they have gathered. (authors: all students of 2nd GEL Iliou, 4th GEL of Kalamata and  IES JOSEP SUREDA I BLANES, Palma de Mallorca)

     2. Latinisms (January-February) In this activity students will learn some of the latinisms most used in the modern European languages, as well as expressions of classical origin. They work in titanpads in international teams and gather Latin expressions used in modern european Languages. They explore their historical background. They present in popplet (authors: IES JOSEP SUREDA I BLANES, Palma de Mallorca and 2nd GEL Iliou) and linoit (authors: IES JOSEP SUREDA I BLANES, Palma de Mallorca and 4th GEL of Kalamata).

    3. Vita-Vitae-Daily life in Antiquity (February-March) In this activity students will learn aspects of daily life in Greek and Roman antiquity. In tricider they choose the subject they want  to study in and form international groups according to their preferences. They present in a collective prezi (authors: all students of 2nd GEL Iliou, 4th GEL of Kalamata and  IES JOSEP SUREDA I BLANES, Palma de Mallorca) and in thinglinks 1 and 2 (2nd GEL Iliou).

    4. Prosopopoieo - Characters' mosaic (March-April) In this activity, students choose in forum and study the biographies of important personalities of antiquity, historic or mythical. They present in thinglink, they produce collaborately videos (text-performing) or write texts on photos. (authors: all students of 2nd GEL Iliou, 4th GEL of Kalamata and  IES JOSEP SUREDA I BLANES, Palma de Mallorca)

    5. Project Evaluation (May): All students express their oppinion on the project in a padlet (authors: all students of 2nd GEL Iliou, 4th GEL of Kalamata and  IES JOSEP SUREDA I BLANES, Palma de Mallorca)