4th MEETING in Czech Rep. 2018

  • From Monday 16 April to Friday 20 April 2018, a group of 31 students and teachers from the partner schools arrived at Gymnázium Vysoké Mýto so as to work together with the local students and teachers on project goals, to make new friends and have a good time.

    All attendees went through a very busy week, during which they e. g. took a guided tour of the National Museum in Prague and then in the auditorium of the Gymnázium V. Mýto they had a chance to listen to four scientifically-oriented lectures, two of them delivered by university lecturers from Brno and Zlín. 

    Sharing and learning from each other is an important part of each project meeting and so one afternoon was devoted to presenting the project activities that the students had been working on in their home schools.  

    After the theoretical parts, practical activities followed. In the chemistry and biology laboratories experiments were carried out and in the physics laboratory simple robots were constructed.

    Other important activities were field trips - on Wednesday the students set off to the Eagle Mountains (Orlické hory), where they learnt how to take large-scale photos. On Thursday afternoon they paid a visit to the Arboretum in the small town of Luže and in mixed teams tried to solve a series of biological assignments. Meeting a primeval man by the Chobot pond was another interesting and new experience and an opportunity to learn about the human-nature relationship in prehistory.

    The less serious and scientific part of the programme included e. g. team-building activities or practical lessons of the Czech language, when the foreign visitors did a bit of shopping in Czech (of course first instructed and then helped a little bit by their Czech guides). 

    At the end of the project meeting, the whole international team accepted an invitation of the deputy mayor Mr. Martin Krejza to come to the Town Hall, where each of the participants got an attendance certificate that is also the basis for issuing Europasses.



    In this photo gallery there are some photos from the project meeting, 
    you can see more photos HERE.
    Find the project meeting programme here:




    This film (made by Mr. Radek Štěpán) disseminates our project meeting
    on the youtube channel of the town of Vysoké Mýto.


    Here is the English translation of the youtube story:

    Within the framework of the Erasmus + project, the Gymnasium of Vysoké Mýto hosted students from Romania, Spain, Italy and England last week. The main idea of ​​the project called "Plugging into Nature with New Technologies," is to encourage students to go outdoors, to watch what grows, is in bloom and moves around them. The mobile phone or tablet then captures their observations in photography and mobile applications help to determine the plants or animals.

    "Thanks to this project, we are mainly improving our speaking skills in English and at the same time making new friends from abroad and the project mainly concerns biodiversity and nature, so we also get to know the differences in different countries."

    For the whole week of this meeting, the Czech students and teachers had prepared a rich programme - from the visit to the National Museum in Prague through the exploration of Vysoké Mýto and its surroundings or a trip to the Eagle Mountains with blooming spring flowers. They spent the last day working together in the chemical and biological laboratory followed by a lecture on an application for plant identification.



    Besides the video story on the youtube channel of Vysoké Mýto, 
    an article about the project meeting was published on the city website. 


