• TASK 1:

    Hi every body, welcome to play and mix! This is going to be our first task:

    - Introducing participants: TwinSpace editing profile with description of your skills to the project. Email exchange and videoconferencing.
    DATES (1 week):

    Video conference for teachers.

    A piece of the video conference here: 

    Video and URL under construction ...

    Students signed in Twinspace platform.

    Ask for your teacher about the exccell document for adding information needed to perform the signing on Twinspace, ONLY THE TEACHER WILL YOU GIVE THE PASSWORD FOR EVERYONE.

    Customizing the Twinspace profile.

    A briefing tutorial of how to modify your profile on Twinspace here: 


    Chat or Forums sessions for students.

    Go to the Chats on Twinspace and start to know your posible collaborators on your work.  Remember all the conversations will be stored on the Twinspace servers to be consulted by teachers later.  I you had some technical problems logging in the chatroom, you could use the forums to do this activity.  This is an example for spanish students:



    eTwinning 1: Información técnica hasta tema 4 de MOMA en inglés

    Usa evernote para redactar una serie de preguntas (en inglés, puedes ayudarte de google translator o similar), que tengan que ver con aspectos de las unidades vistas hasta ahora en MOMA.  Tras la pregunta, escribe la respuesta basada en la sesión de chat establecida con los alumnos turcos, como parte del proyecto eTwinning Play and Mix en el que participa la clase este curso.

    Cada fallo resta un punto sobre 10, asegurate que el link sea accesible públicamente sino se considerará como no entragada la práctica.  Un par de ejemplos de preguntas y respuestas sería:

    1.) Q: What kind of ADSL is in your country? How many Gbps or Mbps as bandwidth? How much cost is it more o less?

         A: In turkey there are ADSL from 1 Gbps to 100 Gbps in almost homes and offices.  The prices are similar to Spain, from 30 to 60 euros per month.


    2.) Q: Does the turkish keyboard get some different keys from spanish keyboard? Give an example

          A: Yes, it does.  There are some special keys instead of some spanish keys, they are for example ö,ç.



    Así hasta 5 preguntas y respuestas.  Básate en el chat mantenido con los alumnos turcos.