Refugees in Hagau and my Grandpa´s escape from Sudetenland

  • The time after the Second World War



    1. Refugees in Hagau:

    • The mayor looked for accommodation for refugees in Hagau.

    • More refugees had to be quartered than there were residents of Hagau (about 70 Hagauer and about 80 refugees).

    • Examples of accommodations: - on our property: (for approx. 10-15 years)

                                                       → Outbuilding (house for retired farmers):
                                                                                      Family with 9 children

                                                       → House: 2 couples

                                                       → neighbouring house: 20 refugees

    • Types of refugees: families (adults / children), widows, grandparents

    • Status of the refugees: very poor, grateful and hardworking

                                                       → cooperation on farms. As servant / maid.

                                                       → looked after children and pets

                                                       →  worked as day laborer

                                                       → learned a profession

                                                       → children visited school

    • Later: - Some refugees seek for places to stay in (big) cities.

                 - Other refugees build their own houses in nearby places

    • General consequences of the war for Hagau: very many refugees, but no destruction


    2. Escape of my grandad from the Sudetenland:

    • escaped as a 4-year-old with his mother, cousin, and aunt from the Czech Republic

    • men were at war, women and children were chased out.

    • We drove to Augsburg by cattle car, then to Donauwörth.

    → Refugees were distributed to farmers.

    • Journey: clothes attracted layer by layer (as much as possible taken)

                     very tiring, little food

    • Accommodation: 2 rooms (for 1 year)

                                  When ma grandad was 5 years old they moved to another house.

                                  At the age of 17 they built their own house.