Project rationale

  • “We haven't inherited this planet from our parents...we have borrowed it from our children...
    For centuries it has given so much to us. Now it is our turn to help her...”


    H2O project has got a new approach to both environmental education and intercultural learning whilst fostering cooperation amongst Spanish, Slovakian and Icelandic youth. It is designed to establish a chain of schools around Europe committed to mobilizing students to understand better the vital and critical environmental issues facing the water. The H2O project enables students to observe first-hand the water quality of the rivers, lakes and its effects  on both human and nature lives. Through  field trips, direct water sampling, visits at the sewage treatment plant students are able not only to measure and analyze the water quality in their vicinity but are provided with an opportunity to discuss the causes and reasons for changes in water quality and to seek and apply solutions. They are able to compare the results of water sampling with their peers from Poland , Slovakia and Spain and Iceland.H2O project has to show that environmental education is not just  sharing the knowledge but leads to changes in attitudes and behavior of our children.

    At the moment it is our time to act. One aim of the H2O project is to encourage students and teachers to look at the shared body of water with new eyes. With a common environment in focus, aspects as diverse as history, biology and geography can be brought into learning situation.
    The basic and fundamental reason why four European countries- partners want to carry out the H2O project is a better opportunity for international perspective of increased cooperation in the field of ecology of water.
    Networking is the core of H2O project, The idea of networking is to gather and share ideas together. To unite schools towards solving environmental problems of water by improving environmental education in schools. Activities such as twinning between schools, visiting, experimenting and working together are very common in H2O project. The visits give young people an opportunity to learn about each other's culture, nature and history, which may prove crucial in trying to find common solutions to the environmental problems and usefulness of water.
    Students and teachers will get to know modern, innovative, dynamic and professional approach to water protection. They will learn through new methods of international cooperation within European Union. Besides the mobilities among the project will have the programs connected with purification, water acquisition, thermal waters and hydroelectric power stations.

    The objectives of the H2O project can be expressed as follow
    1) To increase the awareness of students of the environmental problems connected with water and help students to understand the scientific, social cultural aspects of the interdependence of man and nature.
    2) To develop the ability of students to study changes taking place in the environment.
    3) To encourage students to participate in the work of developing sustainable futures
    4) To gain the skills, abilities and qualifications in a new educational surroundings to get a better professional and personal development .
    5) To show the improvement of mobility and promoting among young people the idea of learning through the whole life.
    6) To provide starting points for conversations with others or personal reflection on practice of water problem solving.
    7) To learn how to think global and act local.
    Acting locally puts into practice global learning and teaching in relevant, engaging, challenging and fun ways to promote the deeper learning about environmental problems connected with water that is so important.