Overview of students‘ work on the different project units

  • Both Estonian and German student groups collaborated on different project units from September 2016 to June 2018

    Intercultural studies

    • 21.September 2016: first Skype-session: Both groups had the chance to get to know each other via Skype. They talked about the project unit “intercultural studies“ and agreed on topics they would like to deal with.
    • August - December 2016: Both Estonians and Germans worked on their videos about their schools, home towns and regions. One German student group prepared Power Point Presentations about German customs and traditions, the political system, educational system, family life in Germany, etc. These presentations were presented during the first visit of Estonian students to Germany in December 2016. 
    • December 2016 to June 2018: An Estonian student group prepared, programmed and designed a project webpage. Both German and Estonian students wrote texts about their schools, home towns, home countries and courses which were published on the project webpage.
    • May 2017: During the visit to Estonia, students had the chance to visit the National Museum in Tartu. They could learn more about Estonian language culture and history. During this visit, they also visited Rakvere Castle and learned about history of Estonia. They also had some free time activities organized by Estonian students which helped them understand how young Estonians spend their free time. During our dissemination event at Rakvere college one German first year student delivered a presentation about German culture to all Estonian students interested in this topic.
    • December 2017: During the visdit to Estonia students visited Sagadi Manor House and Forest museum, to learn more about historical and cultural connections between Estonia and Germany and about the role of forest in Estonian society and culture. They also had traditional Estonian Christmas dinner.
    • April 2018: Students took part in an intercultural workshop at an open-air musem in Germany. There they learned more about German history and preparation of traditional German food.

    Internet crime

    • August - December 2016: One German group dealt with the topic “Meetings “: They prepared the kick-off meeting for the project unit “Computer Crime“ including an invitation and agenda which was sent to Estonia prior to the first meeting. Two German students were responsible for chairing the face-to-face kick-off meeting on the project unit in Germany. Moreover, some German students drew up a questionnaire regarding the features the computer-based training should have.
    • 10. November 2016: Skype-conference regarding the features of the computer-based training. During the skype conference, the features of the computer-based training were stipulated.
    • 29.November 2016: face-to-face kick-off meeting on the project unit: Both Estonian and German students engaged in a brainstorming session in which they stipulated the exact topics for the project. They started working in international teams. Furthermore, a schedule for their project was set up.
    • December 2016 to April 2017: Student teams consisting of both Estonian and German students worked together on Power Point Presentations online using different communication tools. German students programmed the computer-based training.
    • 01. March 2017: Skype-conference: Milestone-meeting: presentation of the milestones reached and agreement on the next milestones
    • April 2017: students worked on finalising the results for this project unit. They finalized their presentations online in international teams. The German group finished programming their computer-based training programme and tested it. They also drew up a questionnaire for test users.
    • May 2017: Visit to Estonia: All presentations about the topic internet crime (identity fraud, blocking of services, policy and copyright, cyber-attacks, how people can profit from you on the internet) were delivered to all IT students of the IT department in Rakvere. These presentations were simplified and tailor-made to non-IT students as well. They were recorded in an online tutorial later so that all students from both colleges can now access them and benefit from them as well. Students also entered their questions, answers and explanations in English, German and Estonian in our computer-based training programmes and test group of non-IT students used it.. This is now completed and will be made accessible to students from both colleges involved in the project.

    Personal rights and social networks

    • January 2017 to December 2017: research on the internet
    • April 2017: German students finished writing a brochure about Facebook.
    • May 2017: decision-making session during visit to Estonia: Students and teachers agreed on general topics that have to be covered in by both groups. Germans focused on Facebook and Estonians focused on Twitter
    • August - December 2017: Students created tutorials and prepared a presentations and infographics on the topic "social networks". The objective was to provide users with a guide on how to use social networks responsibly and sensibly. Moreover, students dealt with the development of corporations such as Facebook and Twitter.  Due to comprehensive and constantly changing trademark protection rights (usage of screenshots, logos, etc.), project results cannot be published on this website. (current trademark guide of Facebook 613 MB).
    • December 2017: During the course of the project week in Estonia students presented their project results. In addition, they had the chance to take the quiz which is based on information in the tutorials. International student teams compared Facebook and Twitter and figured out similarities and differences between the two social networks.
    • February 2018: students had a livestream lecture and discussion with Estonian web-constable. Thus, this project unit was completed.

    Identity protection in a digital environment

    This project unit wad prepared by the German group and discussed during the second face-to-face meeting in Estonia. Both groups then started with the implementation stage of this project unit.

    • August 2016: writing the project charter
    • September 2016: drawing up questions and answers
    • November 2016: preparation of the first face-to-face meeting by the German group which took place during the first project meeting in Germany
    • December 2016: Face-to-Face Meeting: Both German and Estonian students engaged in a brainstorming session regarding the term “Digital Identity”
    • January 2017: German students drew up a task list.
    • February 2017: German students drew up a functional specification.
    • March – April 2017: German students prepared presentations on project management tools and project management standards they used to plan this project unit. They prepared presentations on the work process, planning and initiation process, project charter, functional specifications and task list, suggestions for criteria for a safe password and layout of the webpage.
    • May 2017: During our project meeting in Estonia, German students delivered their presentations which served as a common learning session. Both student groups agreed on common criteria for a safe password and a common layout for the webpages. They divided deliverables and assigned tasks to different teams. The task list and functional specification was discussed and amended by both groups during the second project meeting in Estonia.

    In August 2017 the implemention stage of this project started.

    • August - December 2017:  A new student group is not responsible for this project unit. They familiarized themselves with this project unit by reading through the documents that already exist. They planned and carried out a cost-benefit analysis of web content management systems to figure out which one is the best to use.

      December 2017- June 2018: Due to the cost-benefit analysis, they came to the conclusion that WordPress is the best option. During the project week in Estonia, all project results were presented and students agreed on the contents of the website in international teams. Students then continued work on this project unit online in international student team. They used different communication tools. During the visit they set milestones to make sure that they could continuously work on this project unit and complete it on time. During the visit of the Estonian group to Wipperfürth in April 2018, all results which were achieved in international teams online were presented. After that, students worked on their interactive webpage. They finalized videos and texts regarding several topics ("Standard data, which should not be published online", "Virtual Private Networks", "How to deal with personal data online", etc.) in English, German and Estonian. These results were made accessible to all students at both colleges. Most results are published on the project website. This unit is now completed.

    Digital awareness

    December 2017 - June 2018:

    During the project week in December 2017 in Estonia we started agreeing on common rules for preparing presentations. Then we initiated the project unit "digital awareness". In the team of teachers, we had prepared several possible topics prior to the meeting so that the students had a variety of topics to choose from. International teams of students agreed on the following topics which they dealt with in the following months online:

    · Impact of digital footprint

    · Social and ethic responsibility of IT- experts

    · Recommendations for creating a digital footprint

    · Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

    Students were commissioned to prepare presentations on the respective topics within a stipulated period of time. They continued their work online and they had to report to German and Estonian teachers at regular intervals. The results were presented to the general public during the visit of the Estonian group to Wipperfürth in April 2018. Moreover, students decided to draw up informative posters (infographics) about each of the topics during the course of the project year. These posters were made available to the general public at both colleges. This project unit was completed.