Aurasma Greetings Cards


    Let's play to discover our hidden messages!


    ITALY- ROLETTO primary school -CLASS 5

    This is our Aurasma channel: classefive  or follow the link:

    We have numbered some pictures: if you read the Auras one after the other one, you discover a messagge for you in Italian so that you can learn some words.

    Here you can download a file with the whole bilingual messagge (Italian-English)

       Learning to use AURASMA!

    CZECH REPUBLIC - CAKOVICE (PRAGUE) - ZS Dr. E. Benese - class 7B

    This is our Aurasma channel - Digital Christmas - or follow the link

    We have created some digital greetings for you in Czech and English, you can also listen to a Czech Christmas caroll played by one of the students of the class 7B. You can also find some information about how we celebrate some days around Christmas.

    GIAVENO - ITALY:   Primary School Ferruccio Crolle - CLASS  IVC and VB

    This is our Aurasma channel - CROLLE XMAS 1 and this is the link:

    We have created some auras for you and children have sung some Christmas carolls, both in English and Italian. In one of them they have also played flutes and simple percussions !

    How we created and watched Auras - pictures from classrooms


    Today we played with your Auras at Roletto school. They are all beautiful but we like very much the following: from Giaveno the one with the church tower and from Cakovice the one with the violin.