Part 1: Wait, what is eTwinning exactly?

  • A European Action...

    eTwinning is a European action, within the Erasmus+ program, that offers an online platform for teachers and other school staff to build links with peers in other countries, to communicate and work together to share practices and to develop pedagogical projects to run with their pupils.

    eTwinning began in 2005 and promotes school collaboration in Europe through ICT, and provides support, tools and services for teachers and schools. eTwinning also offers many opportunities for free professional development for teachers. In every participating country there is a National Support Service and a network of people to help teachers in their eTwinning journey.

    Over the years, eTwinning has grown into dynamic, creative and supportive professional community. Currently there are 412 000+ registered users in the 42 participating countries, nearly 170 000 registered schools and 52 000+ active eTwinning projects between classes.

    And its online platform

    There are 3 levels in eTwinning. Although all of them are adressed to teachers, not all teachers have access to them. These levels are:

    Portal   eTwinning Live   Twinspace

    The public portal is the first level of eTwinning. It's accessible to anyone. It's not only the "gateway" to eTwinning, the portal offers information about eTwinning tools, offers project kits, and activity ideas for teachers, and links to teachers and projects in your country.

    Every country also has their national website with specific resources and local contacts if you need help or training.

      eTwinning Live is eTwinning's social network (like Facebook for teachers) It's accessable only to registered teachers. Here, teachers, can make contacts, partipate in groups, participate in online seminars, find partners for eTwinning projects, and even work with your project partners through videoconferencing.   Twinspace is a  place for teachers who want to develop a project. It's accessible only to teachers of that specific project and their pupils in order to have a secure place on the net to upload the results of their collaborative activities. Twinspace, with its tools, it's a place for collaboration, commumication, creativity and interaction.