Greek kids have been divided in 3 teams and each team is responsible for a project task they have selected to implement.
Team 1: Games
They are in the process of creating games, game corners and flexible game zones at school so that kids see school as a play and learn environment and not as a strict learning environment.(photos and videos on the way)
Team 2: Fun school decoration
Kids want to work in a happy colorful environment and if this is created by them, so much better. So they are transforming the school by decorating it with their creations starting from the classroom doors as you can see in the image collage below.
Team 3: Acts of kindness
Kids want to feel loved, respected and relaxed so members of team 3 have chosen to promote these feelings in the school environment.They made a survey and asked kids of all ages at school what they think a kind act is and asked them to give examples of acts of kindness.They ,then, created a list of acts of kindness and distributed to all classes. Now they are in the process of creating a tree of kindness in the school corridor for everyone to see and asked kids to help it bloom. Every time a kid does an act of kindness such as sharing his/her food with someone that is hungry, lending a pencil, talking to a kid that sits alone in the playground,etc, will get a pink sticky paper heart to stick it to the branches of the tree to help the tree of kindness bloom.
We managed to complete all 4 tasks that the kids have chosen. So, first of all, we decorated the classroom doors with decoration themes of their choice and mottos such as: " Reaching the stars", " Building our future", " Rain of knowledge" etc.Secondly, we created a games corner with a noticeboard where we put up sudokus and riddles just above a big rectangular table with chairs for the pupils to sit and play board games during the long breaks. This game corner has proved to be especially useful in rainy days!Next, we prepared the school garden and planted flowers and herbs that can last over the years to remember this exciting year. And last but not least, we designed and made our Tree of Kindness and it was a surprise to all of us how eagerly pupils in all levels tried to make an act of kindness in our school so that they could stick a "flower" in the tree and help it bloom.You can see little "flowers" with notes such as " I shared my food today with my classmate" , " I lent a pencil to my classmate"," I talked to a kid that was sitting alone during the break" etc.
We organize a workshop with the other teachers. I inform some teachers about web 2.00 tools in order that they can use them in their classes. I hope that the web 2.00 tools encourage the pupils' participation. Firstly, I ıntroduce Actionbound tool and the teachers apply it in their courses.
We organize a Collection of Reclying Materials Company at our school. Then, we recyle them and make new materials for our classes and school.