Our schools

  • In this page you can upload photos and presentations of your school.

    Presentation of the French school named Louis Brisson :


    Questions about the French school :

    1. What's its name?

    2. How many pupils are there?

    3. Is there a lab?

    4. What time do we start on Thursdays?

    5. What time do we finish on Mondays?

    6. Who do we help?




    Here is the presentation of the Italian school. Please answer these questions after having watched it.


    1. What subjects do we study?

    2. What can you find in the science lab?

    3. How many students are there in our class?

    4. Do we use the computer room?

    5. What do we do in the Great Hall?

    6. Are we involved in some charity porjects?

    7. What instruments can you find in the music room?

    8. What sports do we do in the gym?

    9. How many classes are there in our school?