3. January Zone: Home

  • Organize presentation of pupil's hobbies. Pupils should prepare their presentation at home and share it at school. Results to share: Photos Power Point or Prezi prezentation Short film ( 20 - 30 min.) You can choose.



    The third part of our project was realised in our school in January. Some people presented their hobbies. At first the pupils from older classes  showed their hobbies.

    Patrycja Kubica told about her passion. It's skating.

    PATRYCJA skating

    Ola presented her pictures and made paper frog.

    Teacher joined to our project too. Mrs Dorota showed her handicraft.

    Mrs Joanna told about running and crochet.


    Mr Marcin told about his the high-performance cycling.

    Mrs Aneta told about cats and Mrs Ula showed her collection of ringtones and presented her sailing hobbies.

    Parents joined to our project too. Mrs Anna Klaczyńska told us about hiking in the mountains with all family.

    Pupils of 1st class told about their hobbies too.



    Our boys hobbies are here!





    Hello, we want to present our hobbies.
