On Tuesday we generally ...

  •    On Tuesday ... ROMANIA

    ...we wake up early in the morning. Our first class starts at 8 o'clock. It's Romanian. We usually read nice stories and learn to write correctly in Romanian. Then we have Mathematics. Well ... it's rather difficult but it's interesting, too. The History class starts at 10. It's nice. We learn about people who were brave but also about people who betrayed. The last class is the funniest of all. We play games in order to increase our physical motricity: that is to move faster and be stronger. We must also work in teams and be patient.  Ha, ha, we are never patient. Once our teacher wanted us to move a balloon tied up in ropes from one corner of the classroom to to another. There were six students in a group and we shouted and quarelled. We laughed a lot, too. At 12 we go home. In the afternoons we do our homework and practice hobbies. We have many hobbies. (Andrei Mihart, 4B)  


                     On Tuesday's ... ITALY

               We are the sixth and seventh grades.We have seven lesssons a day.

               We have got Art, English, Physical Education and Science on Tuesdays.

               We draw pictures in Art lessons.

               We try to speak and write in English and also learn English songs and grammar rules in English lessons.

               We play football,volleyball, basketball and badminton in Physical Education lessons. We sometimes do tournements at school.

               We do experriments and alo we learn how to work or bady organs in Science lessons. 




    On Tuesdays ... TURKEY

              Hello friends. We are fifh grade. We have seven lessons a day.

             We have Physical Education , Turkish and Computer Studies classes.

             We sometimes do excersises play football, volleyball, basketball and badminton in Physical Education class.

             We read our story books write compositious in Turkish lessons.

            We solve Maths problems in Maths lessons.

              We learn a lot about softwares and hardwares in Computer Studies class.