The logo
The pupils in Tielt draw a logo during their art-lessons.
Here are some examples:

After they finished their work, the pupils in Lyon voted for the best logo, and this was the one of Kobe Scherpereel. After the logo of Kobe was chosen, Hendrik did a good job by improving it so we can use it on the twinspace.

Vocabulary about space
During the week of the project, we dealt with vocabulary about space. Pupils could choose from a list of different items:
- facts about earth
- other life in space
- exo-mars project
- mars expedition: robot rover
- terraforming mars / living on mars
- timeline of future space exploration
- dressed for space
- skylab
- yuri gagarin
- to the moon
- women in space
- Space shuttle challenger
- ...
(not all topics were dealt with)
They got a few texts. The assignment was to go through the information during one lesson. They could use online sources to find the meaning of words and some pupils (It was not obliged) meanwhile made some kind of short summary. The next lesson they presented their topic to the fellow-pupils summarizing, highlighting a few aspects. Pupils could ask questions.
Looking at the film "The Martian"
The pupils loved the film and were immediately in the mood to investigate the effects of (non)gravity