VII. Sleep tight !

  • As we have seen with the nurse, to be healthy, we must adopt a healthy way of life. 

    Sleeping is a priority.

    So we decided to study how much time we spend sleeping,

    how good our sleeping is,

    and what we can do to improve it.


    And we suggest our Welsh partners do it too !

    Then with our maths teacher, we worked on the representation of some of the results of the survey for our class.




    With the nurse, we worked on what we can do to improve our sleeping.

    Among other things, we will remember that :

    - we must limit the time spent in front of screens especially after dinner,

    - we mustn't do sports just before going to bed, because it increases the temperature of our body, and this is not good to fall asleep .


    And with our French teacher, we wrote articles on this subject.

    A mag created with Madmagz.