Tasks for the fourth short term meeting in Friedland


    Tasks for the meeting in Friedland - 15 – 19 October 2018

    1)    Devolop the robot or make a new one which will be able to get through the labyrinth

    2)    Publish the labyrinth track with its dimensions – Dirk ( the German side)

    3)    Make a video about continuing robotics tasks to be shown in Germany (e.g. 3D printing, Lego Mindstorms, aquaponic system, etc…) or a video about working on the robot for the labyrith

    4)    Finish reading of Karel Čapek´s R.U.R and record the performance of one part

    a.    Spain – 1st part

    b.   The Czech Rep. – 2nd part

    c.    Germany – 3rd part

    d.   France – Epilogue

    Bring the recorded video on the flash drive to Germany. In Germany, all parts will be joined together to see the play as a whole.

    5)    Create a survey for the pupils to get to know the three best sci-fi stories – the Spanish side task - deadline: the end of June

            Who will choose the three best stories:

            The students who are going to be involved in illustrating during Friedland meeting:

            2 Czech students

            3 Spanish students

            3 French students

    8 German students

    The involved students will answer the survey.

    The students are supposed to answer the survey by October 7, 2018.

    Then, Susanne will divide all involved students into groups for illustration workshops and the 8 most popular sci-fi stories will be illustrated.


    6)    Upload Physics olympiad results on eTwinning platform – only the French, the others have done


    7)    Don´t forget the dissemination – e.g. articles on school websites


    8)    Create a robotics quiz for 12 – 15-year-old pupils of a college. The quiz can have 10-15 questions on robotics knowledge and vocabulary connected with IT vocabulary.

    Create a presentation on our project (it can be done in your mother tongue).

    The presentation will be shown to the pupils of a college as a dissemination activity and the quiz will be given to the same pupils(about 100 pupils of various colleges in the region) after the presentation. The results of the quiz will be shown at the meeting. – probably only the Czech side will make it by the meeting in Germany. The rest of the partners will get inspired and make it after the meeting. The Czech will shoot a video on progressing in the task.


    9)    Continue on the project website  - The Czech side task

            Link: https://svo871.wixsite.com/robotics

            Please send us a short description of your town to upload it on the website.


    10) Please upload all the materials – videos, presentations, anything you have at Google Drive. Pepa will send you an invitation to collaborate and contribute to the shared folder called Project – Erasmus.