


    Science activities- Varna, Bulgaria

    Pupils at CEIP Plurilingüe Froebel also tried this activity!

    They visited Estación Fitopatolóxica do Arrieiro . They had lot of fun playing games and learning about camelias at the same time. They planted seeds in pots they took home .

    They were also researching about animals at their Science lessons and they worte a descrition for their pets or their favourite animals.



    Şerife Sarp

    Pupils tried to grow beans and plant flowers in Aydın Ege Atabey school.

     And My students planted their flowers in their pots in the garden.


    We used recycling plastic glasses and we have planted beans.

    Tuna TURAN ADANA /TURKEY Prof.dr.salih öven çolakoğlu primary shool



    Denizciler İlkokulu- Rize/Türkiye

    We put sawdust inside the eggshells and planted grass seeds.

    We drew faces on eggshells.

     Our egg-headed lawnmen are ready.

    And the hair of our lawnmen came out.

    ZŠ s MŠ Lokca

    Our children also planted plants, watered them ...


    Lenka - Lokca / Slovakia

    We planted peas and beens. What a fun. Great job was done!!!


    Animals habitats were also studied within Science curriculum.

    CEIP Plurilingüe Froebel pupils researched abou their pets and favourite animals, writing information in Galician Language.


    Lenka - Lokca / Slovakia

    Science lessons - pupils were doing projects abou plants and animals living in the water, fields, forests.

    Science activities Portugal- Cátia Fonseca

    We observed and concluded that plant seeds can have different colors, sizes and shapes.

    We put some seeds to germinate in cotton soaked in water.

    Every day we observe the process and we can already see the roots and leaves sprouting.

    We observe a dry sunflower (grown in the previous school year in our pedagogical garden) and we remove the seeds to put it to germinate.