Making of from Candeleda (Spain)

  • First, we did a brainstorming of 3 important questions. Then we voted and the most chosen have a red star. :


    1-What happened to Mom?


    2-How did Mom feel good?


    3-What is there in the lake?


    This is the our part of the tale in Spanish (In the blackboard and in some of their notebooks):


    And finally, they drew the illustrations. I show you some of the best ones: 

    Part 1:


    Part 2:


    Part 3:


    These are some pictures of my students with their final work.

  • What is there in the lake?
    A crocodile.
    1 vote (50.00%)
    1 vote (50.00%)
    A dolphin.
    0 votes (0%)
    A bullhead fish (siluro).
    0 votes (0%)