• To read  the story The Giving Tree, and draw it making an electronic collaborative book 
    Using this video in English,   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFQZfeHq9wo each partner should draw and write in the electronic book these  parts:
    • Spain: Minute 
    • Arta, Greece: minute 1,01-2
    • Poland: minute 2.01-3
    • Croatia: minute 3.01-3,46
    • Greece: 3.46-end
    Different techniques can be used to make the drawings. Students can make a summary of the chapters or write their own interpretation, they do not need to write the texts literally, we can encourage them to be creative. We can use our mother language or English to write the texts, but if we use our mother language we should add subtittles in English. Even, they can record their own voices.
    Each partner could use until 5 pages of the book, but you can use less, if you want
    I have invited you to join  the electronic book with Storyjumper.The deadline to do this activity is 29, April.

    This is the result



    The giving tree