English vocabulary for describing monsters

  • Vocabulary for describing different characters

    Facial expression: smiling, angry, sad, surprised, disappointed, stone face

    Height:  tall, of medium height, 10 centimetres, short, midget

    Age: teenage, old, young, baby, toddler, youngster, middle-aged, in his/her twenties, in his/her mid-twenties, in his/her late twenties, elderly, ancient

    Build/body shape: muscular, stocky, slim, slender, fat, overweight, strong, skinny, chubby, bodybuilder shape

    Arms/legs: long, hairy, muscular, weak, fat, shaved, just waxed, arms are bent at the elbow, it is waving to somebody, the arms are crossed, it has no arms, one arm is next to the body the other is raised up. Arms are stretched out to the side.

    Back/posture/position: straight, crooked, with a hump, posing; the monster is standing/sitting, bending down, crouching,

    Toes/fingers: long, thin, skinny, fat, short, long nails, bitten nails, claws, weak, bony, crooked

    Shoulders: slanting, strong, angular, narrow, broad shoulders

    Neck: no neck, long, short, thick, short

    Hair: long, medium length, shoulder-length, curly, wavy, pony tail, crew cut, bald, thick, thin, dyed, blond, ginger, grey,

    Face: round, thin, oval, heart-shaped, with dimples, odd-looking, funny,

    Skin: pale, dark, freckled, with freckles, wrinkled, tanned, spots, wrinkles, healthy, dry, oily skin, light skin, white, soft,

    Eyes: round, oval, almond-shaped, dark blue, greenish brown, big, small, shimmering, cross-eyed, blind, the third eye, eyes are close-set, wide apart

    Nose: hooked, up-turned, potato nose, button nose, pointy, flat,

    Mouth: big, small, full lips, thin lips, chapped,

    Teeth: small, beautiful, crooked, no teeth, fangs, sharp,

    Chin: pointed, square, strong, with a dimple,

    Facial hair: moustache, beard, sideburns, hair, eyelashes, mono-brow

    Special features: tattoo, mole, piercings, scars, glasses, dimples,

    Personality: shy, friendly, outgoing, funny, sweet, mean, rude, bubbly, kind, introvert, extrovert, quirky, sarcastic, quiet,