"Stop bullying" program made by "Bitstrips for Schools" and "Scratch"

  • "Stop bullying” is a bullying prevention program, something like a seminar about how students can deal with bullying phenomena. It is based on the program: “e-abc” that is organized by the Daphne III program (a European program) and "THE SMILE OF THE CHILD", which is a non-profitable voluntary Organization, in Greece. So, teachers and students, all together, create digital stories about verbal/physical bullying. We have the possibility to attend the story from the viewpoint of all three protagonists: the child who bullies, the bullied child and the observer. The user of the videos has the possibility to choose each time the view point from which he/she wishes to attend the story, while at the same time there is the possibility to choose the progress of the story depending on the “protagonists’ reactions” which are provided.

    Click on the following image to go to the anti-bullying platform:

    We will organize  meetings which will include the projection of the specific footage and the related -to the topic- discussion, as well. After the end of this part of the program, the students will be taught the use of many ICT tools which they used, in order to post their digital stories about the prevention of the bullying. This educational method which is called “Digital storytelling” method help the students not only to understand the serious problem of school violence but also to fully assimilate it.

    "Digital storytellying" method

    Students who participate in the creation of digital stories develop enhanced communication skills by learning to organize their ideas, ask questions, express opinions, and construct narratives. Students who have the opportunity to share their work with their peers may also gain valuable experience in critiquing their own and other students’ work, which can promote gains in emotional intelligence and social learning.