• Lithuanian Etnoculture and Drama School Bitė

    Three things children liked very much:

    Acting. They looking forward to continue to build other story sacks in September and this is for their interest only.

    Another thing they liked - bread making session.

    Third thing they liked being involved in decion making (what should be in story sacks content, visualisation etc.)

    During the project work pupils developed all main competences.

    Communication: speaking (including public speaking), listening and building new vocabulary. Those skills were developed through all subjects once we integrated elements of story sacks. Small group work or competitions helped to develop communication skills as well.

    Collaboration: children together developed content of story sacks and together visualised a conception of how Shadow Theatre and Table Theatre should look like, how performance should look like, what props should be used and illustrating stories etc.

    Managing information: children helped to select information and context of the content and linked it to the nature of the tale.

    Problem solving developed through the work in small groups and making origami props. Puzzle about wild animals was real challenge and managed by using collaboration, problem solving and critical thinking skills.

    Creativity and innovation: unusual visualisation of traditional stories by using shadows and origami technique; describing characters by using story cubes etc.

    Cultural context competence met by comparing Lithuanian and British traditional tales, comparing nature of households in XIX century in Lithuania and the UK.

    Personal growth and wellbeing: better understanding of past and identity; Emotional intelligence developed through recognising nature of characters and describing them. Life skills and practical work (bread making session).

    Critical thinking developed through story cube games and by analysing performances.


    Elektroninės knygos kūrimas

    "Aitvariukų" elektroninė knyga


    Vilkaviškio vaikų lopšelio-darželio „Buratinas” pedagogės Editos Setkauskienės išskirti 
    Project rezults:
    • Educational methods were found that are closely connected to fairytales material.
    • Story sacks were created which stored various education ideas.
    • A variety of spaces for expressing fairytales were found: virtual space, kindergarten inside and outside spaces, trips, nature.
    • Good feelings and interesting experiences meeting friends from the UK and friends from other towns were experienced.
    • Kids gained stage performance experience and found that they can bring happiness to others while sharing their creativity and performing.
    • Project activities and created education tools made school festivals more interesting (for instance, the fairytale characters received from other partners became hosts and participants of school shows).
    • An exposition was created inside the school which showed project partners' fairytale characters
    • An e-book was created.
    • Sharing information about the project with the town community and other schools developed patriotic, creative, personal activeness, communication values.
    • Activities in eTwinning, collaboration with partners, story sack creation process brought happiness to pupils and life, education at school became more interesting, appealing and valuable.

    Kėdainių lopšelis-darželis "Pasaka"

    • Projekto įgyvendinimo metu vaikai buvo tiesiogiai įtraukti į kūrybinį procesą: analizavo pasakų turinį, gamino pasakų veikėjų kaukes, vaidino, pildė „pasakų maišus".
    • Inscenizuojant pasakas, vaikai spontaniškai reiškė savo nuotaikas, jausmus, mintis, kartu jie atrasdavo individualų, savitą raiškos stilių, gebėjo kurti vaizduojant, muzikuojant, šokant, vaidinant, žaidžiant...
    • Gebėjo kūrybingai pasigaminti pasakų veikėjų kaukes, mokėjo laisvai, nevaržomai inscenizuoti pasakas.
    • Ugdomųjų veiklų metu vaikai gebėjo reikšti mintis, mokėsi klausytis, kalbėti, vaidinti, bandė skaityti, rašyti, išreikšti save.
    • Įgijo sceninės patirties, patyrė, jog gali ir geba džiuginti kitus savo kūryba, vaidyba.

    Vilniaus Jeruzalės progimnazijos mokinio Igno Liktoravičiaus įžvalgos apie projekto metu nuveiktas veiklas.

    Vilniaus Jeruzalės progimnazijos mokytojos Astos Luzginienės apibendrinti projekto rezultatai:

    Mokiniai šmoko kurti filmus, įkelti savo sukurtus produktus į TwinSpace erdvę, patobulino ITK naudojimo įgūdžius.
    Išmoko siūti, kepti, sėti, auginti.
    Klasės kolektyvas pasidarė draugiškesnis, vieningesnis, supratome, kad dirbdami kartu ir bendradarbiaudami mes galime labai daug pasiekti. 
    Patyrėme labai daug teigiamų emocijų, pasitikėjimo savimi, supratome, kad mes galime atlikti tai, kas iš pradžių atrodo neįveikiama. 
    Iš pasakų pasimokėme gėrio, tarpusavio supratimo, vienybės, tvirtumo. 
    Į projekto veiklą įsitraukė visa klasės bendruomenė: tėveliai, seneliai, mokytoja, mokiniai.